X  Close Similar temperatures continuing with a chance of rain multiple days.
Conditions Temp Precipitation Windspeed Direction UV index Pressure
Wednesday partly-cloudy-day Partly cloudy throughout the day. - 13-20 mph ENE ENE
1017.4 ↓
Thursday rain Cloudy skies throughout the day with rain. 13° 17.81 mm 100% 26-41 mph SE SE
1013.5 ↓
Friday rain Cloudy skies throughout the day with a chance of rain throughout the day. 14°13° 8.71 mm 100% 23-36 mph S S
1007.1 ↓
Saturday rain Cloudy skies throughout the day with a chance of rain throughout the day. 13°12° 25.2 mm 90% 21-34 mph SSW SSW
1006.0 ↑
Sunday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with rain. 12° 8.71 mm 94% 22-32 mph NNW NNW
1013.0 ↑
Monday rain Clearing in the afternoon with a chance of rain. 10° 1.3 mm 74% 22-26 mph NNE NNE
1017.9 ↓
Tuesday rain Cloudy skies throughout the day with a chance of rain. 11° 15.41 mm 71% 36-47 mph S S - 1009.5 ↓
Wednesday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain throughout the day. 12°10° 10.8 mm 84% 49-55 mph WNW WNW
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